By blending two seemingly opposing investment styles, the ActivePassive PMC ETF Portfolios offer the potential benefits of both approaches while limiting their challenges. We pair this innovative approach with a rigorous research and due diligence process to identify high-conviction ETFs.

Key Facts*

  • Inception Date: April 2008
  • Account Minimum: $10,000
  • Net Expense Ratio: 0.34%
  • Portfolio Managers: Greg Classen, CFA & Tim Murphy
Showing page 1 of 8 of 93 results.
    Fact Sheet: ActivePassive ETF Portfolios

    By blending two seemingly opposing investment styles, the ActivePassive PMC ETF Portfolios offer the potential benefits of both approaches while limiting their challenges. We pair this innovative approach with a rigorous research and due diligence process to identify high-conviction ETFs.

  • Brochure
    Brochure: ActivePassive ETF Portfolios

    Blending the best of both styles into one solution. Active and passive investing are two different ways an investor can put their money into the market and over the years we’ve found that there are pros and cons to both.

  • Commentary
    Quarterly Commentary: ActivePassive ETF Portfolios

    Market Environment, Key Portfolio Drivers in the market during the quarter, as well as top contributing and detracting ETFs.

  • One-Pager
    One-Pager: ActivePassive ETF Portfolios

    When Does Active or Passive Work Best? The answer isn’t always obvious with so many variables like market conditions, asset classes, fees, etc. As the past 7 years show below, there have been times when active managers have been able to beat the benchmark within some.

Using a proprietary methodology, PMC constructs a series of risk-based asset class portfolios (ACPs) at various equity tiers, each with a multitude of diversifying asset class combinations.
Capital Preservation
Capital Preservation
Conservative Growth
Conservative Growth
Moderate Growth
Moderate Growth
Large-Cap Value
Large-Cap Growth
Small-Cap Value
Small-Cap Growth
Int'l Developed Mkts
Int'l Emerging Mkts
Intermediate Bond
International Bond
Short Bond

Envestnet | PMC

  • Research

    Qualitative and quantitative research teams providing comprehensive, unbiased research and due diligence on broad spectrum of asset classes and investment vehicle

  • Consulting

    Large case, product, and institutional consultant teams partnering with advisors and enterprises to provide broad support around all PMC solutions and services

  • Portfolio Management

    Portfolio management team constructs and manages PMC's portfolios while constantly monitoring managers and systematically rebalancing

The information, analysis, and opinions expressed herein are for general information only. Nothing contained herein is intended to constitute legal, tax, securities, or investment advice, nor an opinion regarding the appropriateness of any investment, nor a solicitation of any type. Investing carries certain risks and there is no assurance that investing in accordance with the portfolios mentioned will provide positive performance over any period of time. Investors could lose money if they invest in accordance with the portfolios discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are subject to risks similar to those of stocks, such as market risk. Investing in ETFs may bear indirect fees and expenses charged by ETFs in addition to its direct fees and expenses, as well as indirectly bearing the principal risks of those ETFs. Income (bond) ETFs are subject to interest rate risk which is the risk that debt securities in a fund′s portfolio will decline in value because of increases in market interest rates.

Investments that utilize an ActivePassive strategy carry specific risks that investors should consider before investing in ActivePassive portfolios. In certain market conditions, combining active and passive investment strategies may lose value or underperform fully active or fully passive strategies. ActivePassive investment strategies are also subject to the risks of both active and passive investment strategies. Active investment strategies are subject to active risk. Active risk arises by deviating a portfolio or investment away from its passive benchmark through portfolio management decisions that are made by either humans or software which are subject to error and/or bias. Passive investment strategies have the risk of not closely track the performance of the underlying index they seek to replicate. While attempting to track an index, passive investments often do not consider a company′s profitability, financial health, or growth potential in their investment selection criteria.

Advisors should always conduct their own research and due diligence on investment products and the product managers prior to offering or making a recommendation to a client.